Energy Updates

"Awakening Your Soul" July 26,2021-Aug 1

#channeledmessage Jul 26, 2021

Hello Beloveds, 

Today marks the beginning of the Mayan Calendar year. July 26, 2021. We can start fresh today, the past is behind us, we are here now and tomorrow is bright. We have been pushed to a new awareness of ourselves and our world around us, the old is falling away and we are transitioning into a new way of being. Humanity will keep evolving.

We are still feeling the effects of the Buck Moon on the weekend. You may feel sightly bruised and stiff from the thrashing around you may have been doing in your sleep, but it will all be worth it.  Allowing us to keep going inward to clear the old programs, outdated beliefs and toxic thoughts that have polluted our beautiful minds.  We are almost there. The portal of Lions Gate August 8th also opens today to usher us closer to our Divine Truth.

Many millions of Humans are waking to the Truth, there have been protests around the world this weekend, to reclaim our freedom, our birth right as a sovereign being.   It...

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"Crystal Guides Support Humanity"

#weeklywritings Jul 19, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

With Summer in full swing, time seems to be flowing at break neck speed. Most of the Collective has been on a very intense ride these last several weeks, to release and unearth all of the old patterns, shadows, negative aspects from our DNA that has been stock piling for generations. So, please don't take anything personal as people may be extra sensitive this week as well, lots of massive energies coming into the Planet.

With all of this changes happening in and around us, call on your Crystal Spirit guides to support and assist you in grounding, re-balancing your chakras, releasing and relaxing  into calm state to sleep. There are many different crystals that will emit the positive healing energy to you.

Here are a few suggestions for this week. 

For Grounding and protection: Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Selenite.

Re-Balancing Chakras: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian.

For relaxing and sleeping well: Lithium Quartz, Moonstone, Lepidolite.


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"Get to the Water & Ground" Incoming Powerful Energies July 12-15

#channeledmessage Jul 12, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

Wow! What a powerful New Moon in Cancer this past Weekend to kick off this weeks incoming energy. No sugar coating here, it was a rocky and uncomfortable feeling yesterday and is spilling over into today's energy, the whole of Humanity is feeling this one on some level of awareness.

Some of us have had a bit of practice holding this energy and integrating it into our bodies. But this week it is going nuclear and intensifying by targeting our deep cellular memories of this life and all the past lives that carry the ancestral traumas. We are being purified so we can hold more of the light codes that will move us into higher states of Consciousness. 

So, yesterday I had to eventually go and jump into a Glacial feed lake to ground cool off and come back into presents. Some of the symptoms you maybe feeling, lots of pressure into head concentrated on crown and third eye, hot under your skin itchy and irritated by the slightest thing. Sensitivity to loud noice, and...

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"Trust your Awakened Heart" July 5/2021

#channeledmessage Jul 05, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

Here is the truth of the Awakened Heart, it is recording every experience you have ever gone through. It holds all that your soul can bear. This human heart has an extreme intelligence that goes beyond our understanding. Be kind and patient with this beautiful part of yourself as this is the portal to all the love you have access to from the Universe.

We are all on this experiential journey of discovery, each one of us has a unique experience of how we will navigate this ascension journey. The key is to listen to the Heart and its prompts to guide you home to your authentic self. As, the Heart has always been awake and ready to guide you to your own deep ancient knowing.

This week will be high energy and the connection to allowing the body to talk and integrate higher frequencies of Solar Plasma which will activate our cells to remember more of your actual DNA.  

From July 3-7th, we will be feeling the Sirius Gateway which is a portal opening between Earth and...

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"Coming Together in Sacred Circle"-June 28,2021

#weeklywritings Jun 27, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

What an intense stormy few months we have weathered personally and Collectively. There was so much Cosmic activity pushing us to see and feel everything, there was the eclipses that kicked off the deep diving into the shadow self and Summer Solstice gave us the inner reflection of how each person on this planet can contribute to the whole. We are beginning to understand the bigger picture of how Humanity is capable of evolving into Higher Unity Consciousness. More of the Collective are choosing Sovereignty and Freedom.

The heat of Summer is upon us and the time of being apart is over. This time of year we want to just lay by the lake and socialize with friends and family. Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is fleeting and is over before we get to really embrace it. This year is different, people are so ready to gather and celebrate, engage in deep conversations and cherish the human connection and companionship. 

Get out there and have some fun, slow...

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"Ready to Soar Above the Density" June 20/21,2021

#weeklywritings Jun 21, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

The tides have turned, we are slowly emerging into who we truly are, we are choosing Freedom over Oppression. Today, we celebrate Summer Solstice, the Light of the Sun is sending massive light codes to assist us in shifting and expanding our awareness to Higher Consciousness. To embrace our worthiness and really Love who we are and who we are becoming, as we grow and learn to understand that we have had the wisdom within our Beings the whole time. It is time to celebrate !!!

You may be noticing more Peace and calm after the intensity of energy this past week and weekend. We will be integrating new energies into the body and have expansion in the mind, clearer thoughts of affirmative action, feel more organized and embodied. Ready to Roll up your sleeves and get to work on your intended mission.

This week there will be a lot of magic in the air with the warm glow of the Strawberry Full Moon and some residual energy of the Solstice power lingering for rest of June. As,...

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"We Walk Together in Unity"

#channeledmessage Jun 13, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

This past week we have crossed over into a New Chapter of our Human existence as the Solar Eclipse facilitated this huge shift in conjunction with the New Moon. The Collective is coming into a greater understanding of what we have been experiencing over these last 18 months. The Fog is clearing from the Veil and the Higher Realm is being revealed.  We have all experienced on a personally and globally level, the internal shifts, clearings and deep healing, that have brought us to this Now Moment in Conscious Awareness. 

We have actually gone through a Re-Birthing of Humanity. You may have noticed that it feels like you are living in two worlds. The Earth under your feet does not feel very stable. You may have had moments of dizziness, and light headed feelings through out the last few days. As, you begin to integrate this new frequency and a greater internal shift into a higher state of Consciousness you will notice that you will begin to attract your tribe....

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"Balance Your Energies"-June 7-11/21

#channeledmessage Jun 06, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

We have made it through another transformative week of Big Energies coming to our planet, to assist "All of Humanity". This week's energies will be ramping up leading up to June 10th for Solar Eclipse event, will be visible in North America. 

The theme for this week is to be totally present with yourself and focus on any imbalances in your system. Your main job for the next few days is to rest and restore your inner peace. Listen to your body, as it will be sensitive and reactive to you overriding your system preference. The more you are still and quiet, the better you will ride these intense waves of Purification.  Most importantly is to Surrender to the Love you have within you, allow it to flourish and expand your Heart portal.

We have all come along way this year already, so many shifts of how you many be perceiving, you're emotional, mental and physical self.   What has been the most significant change you have notice in your overall Being-ness?...

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"Stand in Trust"-Acceptance of True Self

#channeledmessage May 31, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

I know that this journey has been a long and arduous one.  We have reached completion of the old cycle. We are now entering a different phase,  one where we choose what is best for our highest good. One that aligns with our truth and knowing. One that creates stability and sustainability for the Collective.

As each Human reaches the point of acceptance of who they are, there is a radical shift in the whole Collective Consciousness.  

This week we are still feeling the effects of the Lunar Eclipse and about to go through a Solar Eclipse. So, don't be too surprised or shocked on how things are now speeding up to push us into this new awareness of seeing the truth. It is becoming more clear that we have shifted so much in the last few months. We have discovered that we are more resilient. We are more powerful as One Unified Field of Consciousness. We have a Voice that is being heard as we align with one another on this new path.

June will be a...

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Start of Eclipse Season "Boundaries are Key"

#weeklywritings May 23, 2021

Hello Beloved,

All I can say is "Fasten your seatbelts", it could get bumpy and turbulent.  The last few days have been intense for many, with so much light coming to the planet, off the chart blasts of Solar Energy.  This is creating many ripples in the Earth's atmosphere and for all us inhabitants down on the ground. 

The Energy is ramping up for the start of the Eclipse season, this week May 25/26, first Lunar Eclipse of the year and a Flower Full Moon. The winds are high and stirring things up deep within the soul. You will now be able to release those emotions and feelings that have been stored in your cells and DNA that no longer serve you moving forward as you adapt to a more regulated nervous system. 

It might be easier to start putting your needs first as the intensity increases, saying No to things that are not in alignment and to be more clear in your communications and setting firmer boundaries with others. As, this is your opportunity to work on your...

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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.