Energy Updates

"Nature is our Deepest Nourishment" November 6th-November 12th

Dear One,

If you are weary and cannot sleep, lay your head down and rest in the arms of our Mother Gaia, venture into the forest and sit under a tree, you are safe here. This is soul nourishment being able to connect to the frequency of trees. As, they are all connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky at the same time. They are sentient beings that have held so much wisdom in their roots for eons. All the elements in Nature of this planet are what we are all made of plus a little sprinkle of star dust. So, that is why we head to the forest or waters edge to align our selves with our true nature, we replenish our whole being and fill up our souls with deeply rooted nourishment and remember we are the same. It is reflected back to our hearts, this beauty we possess is breathtakingly beautiful and full of magic.

We are in need of connecting more and more theses last few months with our true nature, as a Collective we are in deep release of this ancestral sadness, grief and trauma. These...

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"What is Your Magic?" October 30th - November 5th

Dear One,

You have arrived Beautiful Soul, to be an embodied witness and participant to this most precious and pivotal time in our Human Evolution. Most expansive and also most challenging times to navigate. What we have endured theses last few years and for some decades, is the unravelling and dissolving of a very old negative enslavement patterns and programs that we have been running through out generations of our linages. What we have been unlocking in our Blueprint is the authentic Light Codes from our Divine Source memories. We are remembering who we are each day, as we purge the toxicity from our whole systems, the light is activated with in us. Beautiful reveal of our inner magic, that has been there the whole times.

We are part of this activation of the highest timeline for our Mother Gaia, as she has also been unlocking her Truth and Ascension timeline to evolve and expand her existance. This magnificent Blue planet is such a gem in our solar system, she is wondrous and so...

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"Pray and Release to the Water" October 23rd-October 29th

Dear One,

Warm Welcome to Watery Scorpio Season. What is being called to the surface for your evolution? Energy has eased off some for this half way point between the eclipses, take a few deep breathes and then get ready to submerge yourself into those shadowy parts that you have not yet discovered. This death/rebirth/transform cycle will illuminate what you are ready to release to the water, to fully let go to flow out of your being and clear from your past, all that is holding you back from your brilliance and divine expression. 

Scorpio is the Shaman of the Zodiac, very skilled in the darkness, yet full of deep ancestral wisdom. This is a beautiful opportunity to be with your sacred soul whisperings. Your intuition becomes sharpened, you become more in tune with your deeper emotions, quiet the mind and the body will speak. We are in the greatest transformational time in our human history. The world that we have known for a long time is no longer able to sustain us. WE are...

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"New World is Emerging Through Us" Oct 16th-Oct 22

Dear One,

Whoa! That Cosmic event this past weekend is one for the History books. It has changed the rules and expanded our Consciousness. This week will be best spent in deep Integration. What a powerful weekend of Cosmic happenings, with the annual Solar Eclipse and the New Moon all in Libra on the 14th of October. Each eclipse season gifts us the opportunity to reflect on and explore more of what is not serving us on all levels of being as a soul in a Human body. WE are feeling the big changes of this 3D world, which has speed up our our personal transformations and re-aligns us with our souls desire and greater purpose for this Great Awakening of Planet Earth and Humanity.

This Eclipse season is straddling both Libra and Scorpio which we will be experienced as a birth canal/portal. We Collectively are in a death/rebirth cycle of new version of self emerging at the end of this Month. The next Eclipse will be on Oct 28th with a Full Hunter/Blood Moon. So, over these next few weeks...

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"We are Between Worlds" Oct 2nd-Oct 15th

Dear One,

Welcome to first weeks of October, as the solar energies have been coming in strong, we are adapting and navigating to the higher frequencies. This month will prove to guide us further into our clarity and defined soul purpose. The veil is much thinner this time of year and many mystical experiences and vivid dreaming is common. Many are feeling in between worlds at the moment. This next phase of the ascension journey is expansive and re-awakening our memories of our multi-dimensional lifetimes and gifts.

This month of October will be very active in the Cosmos, with meteorite showers, eclipses and solar flare activity. There will be a solar eclipse on October 14th in the early morning PST. This first eclipse will be very powerful and a rare sighting of the the Ring of Fire around it as it peaks. It will travel across over the Pacific Coast and cross over the United States and Mexico. This eclipse will bring more clarity and confidence to your relationships with your higher...

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"Direct Your Energy & Aim High " Sept 25th-Oct 1st

Dear One,

We are still in the energies of the Fall Equinox Portal. Some may be experiencing quiet and calm and some may be feeling the quickening pace of the changing timelines. Everyone's experience of this evolutionary process will be unique to them. We have all had so many layers to work through, it has been exhausting and for some repetitive in nature. Why are we here again, many are wondering, thought this lesson or pattern has already been processed? 

The Universe is listening to you and guiding your path! The way I understand this unravelling process of unlearning and releasing of the old patterns, imprints and lessons, is that it is done in stages of up-levelling your frequency and clearing of your channel. And some of the ancestral trauma and programs are so deep that its can take longer to purify our systems. And then there is the past life traumas. We are theses multi-dimensional beings, and we have had so many experiences all around theses planes of existence....

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"Sunflowers to Slow Down for September" Sept 4th-10th

Dear One,

This past summer of 2023 was fast and furious, twisty and full of unexpected turns. And for some a deep integration period to learn the art of doing absolutely nothing. WE Collectively have gone through a massive transformation on so many levels. We have made some big changes, we have let go of so many things, and now for the final act of surrender.  We must let go of the old versions of ourselves, to make room for abundant joy, love and harmony in every area of our lives. We are ready to Live Free.

Ode to September and Sunflowers for their gentle reminders of slowing things down to appreciate where we are now and how far we have come. You can be very proud of your progress to this point in our Human Evolutionary process, as we have all played a significant part in getting to this pivotal point in our human history of not going back to the old ways of being. We are now on a new track of Ascension to New Earth living and caring for one another in a Unity Consciousness...

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"Rare Super Blue Full Moon" August 28th-Sept 3rd

Dear One,

This is a big week astrologically for the Collective. Mainly this build up to this Super Blue Full Moon August 30th-31st. This is the second super Full Moon in August so it is called a Blue Moon. We will not have another blue Moon until 2037. This really amplifies the Letting go and releasing of things that no longer serve us moving forward. The Collective has had a huge awakening over this past few years, more intensely this past year to choose how they wish to experience this human experience. We are prioritizing ourselves and looking at everything in our lives with fresh eyes.

Some things to help you prepare for this event, is to write down things you wish to release and things you are intending to attract. Your ritual is to burn paper to release the things you wish to let go, keep your intentions to speak out loud to yourself and keep under your pillow for a few days while the Full Moon energy is potent. Take the time to honour how far you have come and leave an...

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"Be Like the Trees, Strong and Tall" August 21st-27th

Dear One,

Firstly, I wish to honour and send prayers to our beloved trees on this planet, for the massive loss and destruction of the forests. We are seeing this devastation all over the planet. As, they are all connected under the earth by a network mycelium system. They are so resilient and brave. They are the shinning example of what we need to do, as Humanity is going through this transformation with the whole of Mother Earth. Big shifts and changes are happening right now. We are strong and resilient and very brave to be here now in this human form, to stand up together and walk with each other and support one another on this most important time in the history of this planet.

Secondly, to honour all of our brothers and sisters who have lost everything, and for them to know we are standing beside them in prayer and feel their loss. We will rebuild this New Earth shoulder to shoulder.  

The Collective is receiving blasts of Higher Frequency Ascension Codes of Light right...

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"The Lion and the Cosmos are in a Dance" August 8th-13th

Dear One,

Since the start of August and then Lion's gate August 8th the energies are off the hook. Very powerful and transformative for everyone. We are changing from the inside out, on a cellular level we are being activated by the light and by our Star families. Are you remembering? We are in-between the 2 worlds of reality, and at the moment it is a big stretch for most to grasp the New Earth is real and it is already here. The best practice right now is to stay in your body and be as grounded as possible. As we are learning to surrender the control and resistance, it is effortless for the soul to navigate the rest.  

With this intensity of energy influx to planet Earth, we are being guided to just allow this process to unfold, we don't need to force or know what is next, this is a challenge fo the mind and the ego. But as part of our evolution we agreed to be here for this huge event for Humanity, and it has gone in to overdrive for we are now in a countdown for the biggest...

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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.