Energy Updates

"Reset/Rebirth for March" Feb 28-Mar 6

Hello Beloveds,

As we wind down the month of February, we will experience a lot of endings and clear out the old energies of the Patriarchal, to make room for more abundance and opportunities to flood into our lives. This world is experiencing many different chaotic events, we are coming out of a world pandemic that has keep us in a suppressed state for so long. In Canada we witnessed the power of the people, rise to stand up for our freedom to choose. 

There was a lot of movement and change that occurred this past month. The truth is being revealed and uncovered to the world to witness. We are now preparing for the new beginnings of March this week and the first new moon in Pisces on March 2nd. This will usher in a fresh new energy for the start of Spring to inspire us to grow and allow the new shoots to expand our awareness of our higher consciousness. It will be magical. And full of potential.

Birds are singing their songs of joy and excitement of warmer days is in...

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"Step through the 2222 Portal" February 21-27

Hello Beloveds,

Welcome the portal energies, they are already here! February 22,2022 will be the opening to our visions and deep knowing of why we are here on this planet. We are returning to our inner balance and harmony. We as a Collective have reached our new timeline of Unification with Mother Gaia and all of Humanity. 

We are being supported by the Universe to not fear the unknown but to embrace "All That Is" LOVE. This 2222 is a code from the Universe that resides with in each of us. It will be activated to allow you to step into accepting new ways or opportunities to align with your original soul blueprint. 

We are connecting with our own truth and will anchor the Divine Light into our whole beings to breathe in Love and compassion for all living beings in all Universes, all Galaxies, all planes of existents.  It is Done, It is Done, It is Done!

The Lions are awakening and beginning to roar with commitment and courage in their Hearts. We know who we are and...

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"Happy Heart Day" Feb 14-20

Hello Beloveds,

Wishing you a Happy Heart Day! We are being blasted with so much light and activation for our cells to clear, cleanse and remember who we really are. We are love, compassionate and connected to "All That Is" unconditional Universal Love.

How do you see yourself? Love what you see, Love every part of yourself. There is a lot of commercialism around this day. And undue press to have a lover or partner. This is not real, it is another attempt to guilt people into showing affection that is not coming from heart. If anything Love yourself today and begin a new practice of treating yourself with such tender love and admiration. It is really beautiful to receive a gesture of love from our loved ones. But this would be much more appreciated if it was more that just one day of the year.

The energy this week is going to be ramping up as we get closer to Leo Full Moon feels for Feb 16/17. This will be a prelude to the next big portal and gate way day to 2/22/22 next week. Some...

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"Moonlight Magic to Open the Heart" Feb 7-13,2022

Hello Beloveds,

This week we have been able to soften our Hearts and step more into a focused way of being. Understanding the momentum of the Universal Love behind us. WE have integrated and cleared a lot of our past and have been able to receive more of the light code activations in these last few weeks.

We are preparing our Hearts for more expansion to receive unconditional Love from The Divine. The Moon is building to reach its full lunation for next week. The moon light is activating us to feel her magnetic brilliance in her presents, to inspire us to shine day or night for the world to witness.

The energy this week is ramping up for the weekend as we are receiving Lots of Solar Winds from the sun. They will hit Earth with a blast of Galactic Love from our Soul Families. They are letting us know they are here in full support now to make the biggest shift Humanity will every know.

We are gaining movement towards our Unity Consciousness with our Freedom building in our Hearts and...

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"Age of Aquarius is Here" Jan 31-Feb 6, 2022

Hello Beloveds,

We are entering a whole new energy. A certain freshness and an elevated tone is in the air as we begin the month of February with a New Moon in Aquarius and the Lunar New Year, "Year of the Water Tiger". Reclaiming our power back; standing up for our rights and freedoms. As we embrace the loftiness of Aquarius for this month, giving us a glimpse from a higher perspective of what we can create.  This is VISIONARY energy to embody the "Age of Aquarius".

We are at the beginning of grounding into the foundational stages of the New Earth. Many are getting organized, ready to build and form communities to shift our old systems into new ways of operating in a much more expanded awareness of how we can collaborate our efforts into a more sustainable way of thriving in community.  

We are receiving high frequency codes each week to allow us to clear our bodies, minds and cells. Integrating the new information that is being downloaded to upgrade our efficiency and...

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"Come Home to Your Own Centre of Inspiration" Jan 24-30, 2022

Hello Beloveds,

We have been shifting so much dense and emotionally charged energy this past month/year. Many are now waking from the controlled narrative that was flying the False Flag of Fear and Despair. We are realizing that we are a strong and courageous race. That is now poised to Rise from the Ashes, so we can rebuild the New Earth with Compassion and Love in our Hearts and come together in Unity. 

This rebuilding process is now underway from within each of us, to strengthen our own understanding and beliefs of our truth and knowledge that we each carry in our DNA. We are our greatest teachers of sacred wisdom. We determine how we create our new foundations and practices. We will anchor this fresh new existence into form.

What is Your Practice? How do you wish to express your authentic self? 

As we each step into our Practice, we align with our authentic essence of being. The Practice is how you sit in the silence; to listen to your inner voice of wisdom, then keep...

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"Feel into this Powerful Wolf Full Moon" Jan 17-23,2022

Hello  Beloveds,

This first month of 2022 has been one of the most powerful and transformative of the last 2 years. There has been some massive shifts within each of us and the Collective has been feeling the unearthing and recovery of our Galactic truths. The clarity is being integrated now into our New Earth Consciousness.

With all the solar storms and high frequency energies reaching our planet, we have been trying to adjust to the increased amount of energy in our bodies. That has left us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by the outside interference. The louder and more dense that the negative narrative gets, the more the light will be infused here on this planet. The intensity is getting to the point where it will released and purified in the most positive form. We are so Close Now. I feel the Shift in the Collective as a huge cloud is being lifted from our Earth.

This Full WOLF MOON in Cancer, January 17th will most likely trigger a release around many old and buried...

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"Touch the Sky" Jan 9-16, 2022


Hello Beloveds,


The first week of January 2022 has been a mixed bag of light and heavy waves hitting this Planet. We are being asked to purify our whole being to allow more of the Divine Light codes to fill our cells with the highest vibrational frequency.

We are been guided to rise above the density and hold the highest Divine Frequency for the Collective to transition into Love Consciousness, as we let go of the illusions. When we look to the night sky, we feel and experience wonder. Some feel the expansion of being connected to the universe and receive a deeper knowing of belonging to the Stars.

This is how we are rebirthing our World into a New Earth. We will see the Truth of our existence and accept this as our new way of being, our new reality. This year is going to be transformational for the Collective, to tip the scale into favour of our Ascension into Unity Consciousness.

This month will be a time to prepare your soil and ready yourself for a major shift....

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"Divine Truth Will Set Us Free" Jan 3-9, 2022

Hello Beloveds,

Welcome to the new beginnings of 2022, the energy presently is fresh and activating after the intense ending of 2021. We were plunged into the darkness of the Collective the last 2 weeks of December. So were we able to successfully  release and clear the density that we held in our past. We were all given an opportunity to close the door on everything that happened to us from our past and current life. Step through free and clear into this year of 2022 and finally let go of what we have carried in our DNA for centuries, including the old stories we have believed about ourselves and narratives from the outside of us.  

We are now putting our focus and directing our energy into moving forward in a positive and efficent way of being. With a deeper understanding of how to better navigate our Human journey as "One Consciousness" on our Beautiful Mother Earth. Coming together in a way that we have never done before. Holding in our hearts more Compassion and Love...

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"Stand Tall and Be Proud" Dec 27-Jan 2, 2022

Hello Beloveds,

As we wind down our final week of 2021, we have an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come. This has been a year of tremendous soul growth and deep awareness.  Going inward to be witness to our own transformation and integration of how we are all evolving. 

Stand Tall and Be Proud of how far you have come through all of this Global Bull  S%#@. We have let go of the old stories and begun to heal our Linages and walk a new Path that is unfolding before us. As, We trust in the Sacred Divine Knowledge, we see the Truth that has always been here in the land and in every living being. The blindfold is off and we are able to see the Divine Energy in Everything and is all around us.

WE are "The Light Hearted Warriors of Peace" who are ready to create the New Earth. We have been training for this our whole lives. We have navigated the pitfalls and heartaches, the disappointments and sacrifices.  

You are emerging triumphant in your Beautiful Quest...

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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.