Energy Updates

"Coming Together in Harmony" August 2023 Energy Update

Dear One,

This month has come in like a lion, big Leo season energy, but also feelings like the Gentle Warrior has arrived to guide us through this next phase. We are being guided and held to show up and feel our courageous Hearts beat together as One. We are witnessing our healing process and allowing it sometime to anchor in our presents and prepare for this next phase of the evolution with so much more clarity and grace. We are collectively entering a very deliberate space to marinate,  go slow and steady, to be better able to receive many of the downloads and to integrate it all for what is next. We have done so much clearing, healing and adapting to this higher frequency that is coming in hot.

The Super Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius has beautifully kicked off August with a powerful moon beam of Divine Light to catalize our spiritual journey into total awareness of this Sacred Unified Consciousness for Humanity and the Universe. This is just the beginning of this most...

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"Reach for the Stars" July 24th-31st

Dear One,

Very interesting times are upon us and are ramping up now. As, we are closing out the month of July, there are some big energies coming into prepare us for the month of August, as it will be most impactive. The Collective has received some heat this month to clear more of the density in and around our cellular make up. WE have been going more inward this month, more letting go is required of any residual toxic patterns and programs. As the frequency of Planet Earth increases, we are having to slow things down to really integrate all that is shifting with in and all around us.

Recap of this past weekend with Leo season arriving, we can look at our confidence levels increasing and actions towards stepping deeper onto our path and purpose. Get ready to receive more inspiration and innovative ideas for clarity. Are you ready to step into your power and be a leader for The New Earth? Venus has gone into a brief retrograde until September 3rd, allowing us to re-evaluate our...

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"Big Changes are Happening" July 17-23

Dear One,

You might still be feeling some of the Crab(Cancer) feels, to be in your protective shell and hide under water.  But, as we are getting closer to Leo season, you maybe feeling more like getting out to socialize this week. Today marks, July 17th a New Moon in Cancer, that is also paired with the Nodial Shift of the South and North Nodes, from Scorpio/Taurus to Aries/Libra.  A gateway to creating more harmony and balance within the Collective. Better able to look deeper individually, to then inspire and emit healing frequency all around you. This Cosmic alignment is a Divine design to keep going and feel the changes that are happening from within your Being are real.

July has been a very intense month of healing and releasing so many of the ancestral patterns and programs of the past. You may start to notice the return of more lightness and freedom in your mind and  body will begin to relax more naturally. Especially when you are in nature and surrounded...

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"Message in the Water" July 3rd-16th

Dear One,

 This has been an intense start to our summer season on all levels. So much fire energy and at the same time wanting to let go of the old ways, to release them to the water and begin to flow as we let go. If we can ease off and allow the old to fall away, go slower we can thence able to better receive what our Spirit Team is guiding us to do next. This is such a deep process of growth. We can start to be more gentle on ourselves, as we are bringing in more of the awareness and acceptance that we are evolving as a whole Collective. 

We are so hardwired to resist any change or gentleness when it comes to our selves. This next part of the journey is exactly that. Defining how we wish to experience this world as it shift and experiences great change in Vibration.  Love who you are becoming and love that you are here in this moment to shift this whole planet and its Consciousness into Unity.

The Water of this planet is sacred and always holds us with so much care...

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" Emergence in this Water Season" June 26th-July 2nd

Dear One,

These last few days are feeling more gentle, as we are fully stepping into the Cancer season of Water Medicine. We have walked through the fire, we have climbed the mountains, we have arrived at the waters edge to let go of the final pieces that are no longer supporting this sacred soul journey. We are learning how to put our needs and desires in the forefront, we are learning how to love our whole selves. We are integrating all that we are be of the coming.

The story of the waterlily's journey to the surface of the water, is the same as your personal journey, the same as all of Humanity's journey of realization of the struggles and triumphs. The waterlily starts its long journey from the mud at the bottom of the pond. Waiting for the light to reach it in the dark bottom of this murky depths. A flash of light activates the beginning of this long journey to reach full bloom on the surface of the water. And so the journey begins, slow and steady, keep going you are almost...

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"Nature is our Nourishment" June 5th-June 19th

Dear One,

Congratulations! You have made it back to your new beginning. If you are now standing in the middle of your heart, you have arrived to your new adventure, and so it starts. The mind has been our undoing.  We are no longer engaging in the old stories and versions of ourselves that we believed to be true. Only you know your deep inner truth. How do you choose to live this beautiful life?

Changes are underway for each of us, from the inside out. To begin our new existence as free and sovereign beings. This is such an exciting time for Humanity, we have the codes to unlock our inner Blueprint to access new information and weave it all together as One unified field.

This past month, we had the Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius, prompting us to do the final let go of the deep trauma and programming from our past. Preparing us to dream our life into existence. We have had this past weekend,  the powerful the New Moon in Gemini prompting us to stand in our truth and...

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"Step into Your Sacred Heart Space" May 28th-June 4th

Dear Ones,

The ripples and rumblings have been loud internally and externally as of late. We, as a Collective are fine-tuning our environments and realizing that we need to change the frequency to match what is going on on the inside. Our bodies are becoming more sensitive to the frequencies around us and we are able to see that we are not able to tolerate the lower energies any more. Many of us are making big changes in location, jobs, careers, partners and even food and lifestyles. This inner guidance system is coming from our Sacred Heart Space, our deep knowing. 

The external narratives are not a match to our developing higher frequencies and are not affecting the Collective as much as it once did. As, we continue our journey to stand in truth and empowerment, the old beliefs and patterns dissolve fast. This is becoming a Global movement for all of Humanity to shift Consciousness. We are at the next phase of integration and awareness of our evolution as a Multi-dimensional...

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"Live in the Present Moment to Expand" May 22nd-28th

Uncategorized May 23, 2023

Dear Ones,

Life has been somewhat chaotic recently, and the more we slow everything down, the more we can just be with our true nature. Listening to our heart and soul whispers. Life will flow more fluidly.  As we move along on this evolutionary path, we are recognizing the importance of stillness and self care. And the more we just allow gentle guidance to appear, the power of now is the power of loving ones existence in this earthly experience.  

This Life is so precious, take this opportunity to shift your perception of what this gift is here to teach you. The gift of knowing that we are truly blessed and can attract all that we deserve in this beautiful experience. If your perception or mind set is living, breathing abundantly. Then this shift happens  within your being, in your cells. You are transformed from the inside and then you unlock the Divine codes of higher knowing and your true self is revealed. Trust this process of expansion. 


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"Anchor into Your Light Body" May 15th-21st

Dear Ones,

The blasting of powerful solar and cosmic light continues to awaken the codes and cells within our bodies to be ready to keep absorbing more light to elevate our frequency. You may or may not be adapting to the higher more potent energies coming in very rapidly now. This process of ascension is a wild ride for us individually and collectively, but we are seeing some dramatic changes in our awareness and in the world around us. The key here is to allow, let go of the resistance in the mind and open the heart to receive the light and love for your evolutionary process.

Our human mind and conditioning, ego self is in process of surrendering all the old programming so we can move forward into a more easeful and abundant settings, allowing and adapting to a new way of being. This slow burn affect has been going on for sometime, as we slowly unravel and grow a new nervous system, rewire our brain and switch our operating system to heart frequency. The cells are detoxifying and...

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"Communication with Spirit in Many Forms" May 8th-14th

Hello Friends,

We have had a really big energy week just past with an eclipse, full moon and solar flares, bringing a lot to the surface to be released from our systems. This week can be a great time to just allow the dust to settle. Just allow your whole being to integrate the shifts. We are all on this amazing journey of discovery together. We have been doing so much letting go of the toxicity that was stored in our cells. Well done! This is just the new beginning for all of us to embrace...

Many of you have been introspective and trying to figure out what is next. We are being fully supported and guided now. We have so may beautiful guides and spirit animals that are communicating with us all the time, wether in dreamtime or everyday life. All of life is giving us clues on how to be in unity with our natural environment. Our human mind is working so hard to push us in the right direction. What if we listen to our heart and soul, it will begin to flow more effortlessly to us.


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You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.